Disrupting 9 to 5

The pandemic reminded us that we had been hustling to achieve things in life that may be completely meaningless if looked at from a distance and in the process of running each day like a horse with blinders, we miss out on enjoying EVERYDAY LIFE and being in the moment, the only moment that is truly ours.

At blob, we embrace the disruptions caused by the Pandemic, the irrelevance of location and flexibility of timings have empowered each one of us to redesign the way we want to live each day from here on, and our offerings at Blob facilitate making the most of this freedom.

We have designed our space with the idea of LIVING EVERY DAY, a space where one can take up fitness sessions at 3 pm on a Monday, learn their favorite dance forms right before an important meeting on a Thursday, or just chill at the café the entire day on a Friday ( cause why not). We have focused on creating a holistic environment for living your days and not just working, being said that we offer a very focused and comfortable working environment for whenever you want to put in the hours.

It all starts with a blob

Blob is that blot of paint that you create as a kid the very first time you pick up a paint brush, we wish to provide you a blank canvas to create many more such blobs just like you did back in the day, without any apprehensions or inhibitions.

Each Blob is unique- SO ARE YOU

We understand that each one of you are unique and we embrace that, our space has created facilities that can be used as per the needs and creativity of each individual that chooses to be part of our community, we love to see people take initiatives and are open to mold our space and services to fit in their creations.